Short and Powerful Prayer For Money Blessing

4 min readApr 7, 2021


This short and powerful prayer for a money blessing asks the Lord to help ease financial burden and worries.

Submit your prayer to Churches, prayer groups and shrines all around the world with a prayer request.

Dear God,

Thank You for all the blessings you’ve given me and my family today. In this prayer, I ask for prayer for money blessing, and may it continue growing even more. Bless me with finances so I can be a blessing to others and share with those who are in need. I hope You keep guiding me in my career that I continue thriving in my current work and find purpose and fulfillment in what I’m doing. Even when things don’t always go easy, give me the strength and courage to continue working hard to have more finances in my life.

With greater finances means greater responsibility and I pray that You shape me into someone who’s ready to handle that kind of responsibility. Most importantly, I pray for nothing but success in my career. I know that everyone has different definitions of what success is, but I believe in Your purpose for me and I know that my finances will continue to grow if I keep striving in my work and keep putting You first. Give me the knowledge to stay grounded in my ambition and faith as both these two will be the key to achieve financial stability and security. Give me enough finances so I can give my family the future they deserve because they deserve everything in the world for how they shaped and raised me to be. I know that getting finances isn’t magic and you have to work for it but give me enough determination to push through the days where I don’t feel like working or lack the motivation to get out of bed and do my job.

With this prayer for money blessing, I hope You bless me with so much that I can give back more to the world, to those in need so they can see hope and generosity through me. I know it might not be much, but I would give everything to be a blessing to others, but I can’t do that if I lack the resources for it. Give me an abundant source of money and may it overflow in my life so that the people in my life don’t have to struggle as much with it. Give me enough money to give to charity, to give to the poor, to lend money to my family, to give back to people who can’t afford to live from day to day. There are so much chaos and madness in the world and I hope that even just through my finances, I can change the world in my own way, through Your blessings in my finances.

Most importantly, I hope You give me just enough so I can provide the future my family deserves and so that my future children don’t have to go through the struggle that I went through with the lack of it. Give me just enough so I can provide more than is needed and give my family a life of comfort and security. Give me enough so I can teach my family all about faith and grace and how if you believe enough in what you ask for in prayer, you will be blessed by God. I hope You give me an abundance in finances so I can share these blessings with the Church and to be an even stronger symbol of faith and light to others who need it the most. I know that money isn’t everything and there’s more to life than having an abundance of money, but all I ask is that You let me give hope to others who are struggling with the lack of money. Let me be the gateway that through these blessings You give me, they start believing in You once again, even in a world where it’s difficult and frustrating to have faith in the unseen. Let me be the instrument You use to share with others and remind the world what genuine selflessness and generosity feel like. With Your blessings to me, I would never ask for anything in return but knowing I changed the lives of those I shared my finances with and that I helped them gain a sense of hope, purpose, and faith is more than enough.

Thank You once again for all the blessings.


