Prayers To Make Someone Go Away

4 min readJun 24, 2021


Prayer To Make Someone Leave

Dear Father in Heaven,

My heart is filled with Agape love, but if someone is in my life who adds nothing to it, then I pray that they leave and find their own way. Father, if there are people are for me then I thank you for surrounding me with their love and friendship. You know every hair on my head, which means you know all about me. You know that I have someone whom I cannot trust. Please provide my wisdom and insight to know the acts of this person so that I may seek your face and they turn from their wicked way. Yours in Christ. Amen

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Prayer to Make False Friends Go Away

Father God in Heaven,

Please deliver me from those around me who try to get me in trouble. Open my eyes to see the hurt that is really in their lives and show me how I can help them. If they do not heed your Agape love, then I thank you for removing them from my presence.

Father, because they cause me sadness, lift me up and give me the strength to move forward and backwards. You are my joy and sorrow is not of you. Thank you for keeping me safe from people who would seek to destroy my joy. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer To Remove a Bad Family Member from Me

Dear Father in Heaven,

You created family which is an image of your love. But, Father, when a family member dishonors you, anything I could do to them would be a sin. Please Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, if it is your will, please remove this family member from me.

If their presence is for me to learn a lesson, then let your will be done. Thank you Lord for healing my heart against this person. Guard my heart and mind until you show your might in this situation. There is nothing too hard for you. Love you eternally Lord and thank you again. Amen.

Prayer for My Neighbor To Go Away

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray the blood of Jesus Christ between me and a neighbor that is spreading lies about me. Lord God, please help me fight the enemy and have my neighbor to stop their lies and leave me alone. Father, thank you for surrounding me with your angles that stand guard all about me.

Don’t let my neighbor have the final word of aha aha like you said in Psalms. I claim victory over the enemy and that you break every bondage or strong hold that my neighbor plans to aim against me. Break it now in the powerful name of Christ Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for delivering from evil in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer for My Child’s Bully to Go Away

Dear Abba Father,

Thank you that I can come into the holiest of holies as you cover me with your pinions. Father, I pray for the loving child that you gave me. I know that you see my child being bullied at school. When I bring this matter before the school, please fill my mouth with your words and not rely on my emotions. Let me say only what you want me to say to help stop this situation and end what is affecting my child very deeply.

As a parent, grant me the wisdom to help my child. Show me what I can do help the bully and their family. Father, you know everyone’s heart, but I ask that you speak to the parents of the bully to show how they can help their child be more loving. Thank you, Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer for a Co-Worker to Leave and Go Away

Dear Father in Heaven,

You said in your word in Psalms that you will remove the one who secretly lies on a friend. Lord I come to you now standing on this promise. You know ever step I take. You already know about a co-worker who will not leave me alone. Give me strength to withstand their slings and arrows. You are my all-in-all and I know you are with me always.

When my enemies seek to harm me, I thank you that they will not succeed. Father, thank you for giving me mental rest within your promises of keeping me safe from all evil, yes even the evil in men’s minds. In you I trust. Amen.

