Prayers To Get Rid Of Bad Spirits: God Is Always Your Ally

4 min readJun 2, 2021


Supernatural evil exists and manifests itself through bad spirits that seek to harm people. These lower astral beings attack certain individuals through negative thoughts, suicidal thoughts, bad luck in general, unexplained accidents, severe depression, persistent insomnia, etc.

These evil beings can completely destroy a person’s life if not acted upon in time. Communication with God is the most effective resource to eliminate evil from our lives. The infinite power of God definitely eliminates supernatural negativity.

The following are the most effective prayers to get rid of bad spirits.

Submit your prayer to Churches, prayer groups and shrines all around the world with a prayer request.

Prayer for Self Healing from Bad Spirits

You are suffering the harassment of bad spirits on a daily basis and because of this your quality of life has been seriously impaired. For several months you have been sad, you can’t sleep, you follow harmful habits that you didn’t follow before (smoking, drinking alcohol in excess), you have thoughts of suicide and no project prospers. Evidently evil spirits are attacking you to keep you away from God. The following prayer will put you under the Lord’s protection.

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I command the evil spirits to depart from my life. Lord, protect me from these unclean beings at all times. May the love of God shine in my life forever. Thank you Lord for listening to me”.

Prayer for Night-time Protection

Bad spirits operate all the time, but are especially active at night. They feel at home in the dark and their attacks are often more forceful. This represents a great danger, since during the night we sleep and lose awareness of reality. While you sleep evil entities can attack you through nightmares or various dream disorders. They want to weaken you in order to control you better. The following prayer will connect you with God’s protection at night.

“Almighty God. It is night and I am going to sleep. I humbly ask you to protect my spirit, because bad spirits are stalking me. Destroy them Lord, envelop me in your infinite light. Stay with me all night long. Thank you Father for taking care of me while I sleep”.

Prayer for Recovering Home Peace

Strange events have been occurring in your home for several months. You are afraid because you hear unusual noises, certain objects get lost, there are bad smells, you see shadows moving and you even see ghosts. Evidently your house is invaded by evil spirits that want to harm you and those who live with you. The solution is to pray to God to eliminate these spirits. If you want you can aromatize your house with incense sticks to purify the environment. Then pray with faith the following prayer.

“Almighty God I consecrate my home to you so that it may be a dwelling place of your infinite love. Expel forever the bad spirits that dwell here. Protect my family from evil, may harmony shine in my home. Thank you Father for listening to my prayers”.

Prayer for Negative Energy Charged Places

There are certain places that tend to be charged with negative energy, which synchronizes with the presence of bad spirits. For example: neuropsychiatrists, addiction rehab clinics, hospitals, prisons, cemeteries, etc. If you enter any of these places or work there, you run the risk of being haunted by an evil spirit. Of course, not all of the above places have evil entities, but it is better to be cautious. The following prayer will keep you safe from evil.

“Lord, protect me at all times, especially in dangerous places where bad spirits dwell. Keep evil away from me, I want to live under your powerful light. Father, bless my whole life so that I may always feel at peace. Thank you Father for listening to me”.

Prayers to get rid of bad spirits are the most powerful remedy to free us from supernatural negativity. God’s protection destroys evil entities. You should pray every day with fervent devotion to strengthen your bond with the Lord. In this way you will be safe and will be able to live your life in deep peace. Under the protection of the Heavenly Father you will never feel fear, He guides you on the right path. Get in the habit of praying with your loved ones, so that the Lord’s protection reaches the whole family.

