Prayers For Unjust Situation: God Protects Us In All Circumstances

4 min readJun 24, 2021


Praying to God and reading the Bible are the two most powerful resources that exist to get ahead in the face of any adversity. During the course of life we go through unfair situations that apparently have no solution because the context does not depend on us.

The only solution is to pray to God to solve that unjust situation. The Bible offers us texts that strengthen our faith, because the Holy Scriptures reveal to us the truth of God’s power. The following are prayers for unjust situations that connect us with the omnipotence of the Father.

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Prayer for Legal problems

In certain occasions we get involved in legal problems due to lack of knowledge or because we could not control well some situation. That situation complicates our life in several ways, which collapses us morally. In the Bible, the book of Proverbs says:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in everything you do, and he will show you the best way”. That means that God knows what is the perfect solution for us, therefore we must leave this complex legal situation in His hands. Pray the following prayer to get out of this unjust legal circumstance.

“Lord, I find myself in legal trouble because I did not pay attention to certain rules. I am living in an unfair situation where everyone is against me. Father, I ask that the earthly Justice see that I have always behaved honestly. Thank you God for listening to me”.

Prayer for Lack of credibility

In various contexts we suffer unjust situations because others do not believe in us. We don’t get a loan, a promotion, or we don’t advance in our studies. Others do not trust our abilities and underestimate us. This leads to other problems that harm our quality of life. The book of Isaiah says: “Arise and shine, your light has come. The glory of the Lord shines upon you”. That means that God will illuminate your being for others to see. Pray the following prayer so that others will value you accordingly and stop going through unfair situations.

“Merciful Father, I am going through an unfair situation because others do not believe in me. I need you to enlighten my life so that I can prove my worth. Thank you Lord for listening to me”.

Prayer for Unjust and False accusations

During some life circumstance we may suffer false accusations that discredit our integrity as individuals. That makes us live unfair situations which harm our family, our employment and bring us problems in our environment in general.

In the Bible, the book of Isaiah says: “Every tongue that accuses you will be refuted…. justice comes from me”. That means that no matter what others say about you, God’s truth is what will ultimately triumph. Pray the following prayer that others will stop accusing you unjustly.

“Father, I am suffering because others tell lies about me. They accuse me falsely of things I did not do. I pray that you will reveal the truth to all and that Divine Justice will shine in my life. Thank you Lord for listening to me”.

Prayer for Unjust Financial Problems

Sometimes we have serious financial problems unfairly. We do not have enough money for various reasons: losses, thefts, not collecting debts, etc. This causes us problems in acquiring goods and paying our bills. In the Bible, the book of Psalms says: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”. That means that God will provide us with everything we need, regardless of the adverse circumstance we are going through. Pray the following prayer that you will have everything you need, at all times, even if you have complex financial problems.

“Father, I lack money and sustenance for my family because of an unjust situation that I did not cause. I fear that my children will have basic needs. You are the only one who can help me in this context. Thank you God for hearing my pleas”.

