Prayers For Enemies To Leave Me Alone: God Protects You From Injustice

4 min readJun 24, 2021

During the course of life, each of us develops our own personality and forges a certain character. Logically, not everyone can like us, just as we do not approve of everyone’s way of being. The healthiest way to resolve this issue is to forge friendships with those with whom we get along well and ignore those with whom we do not have a good relationship. Unfortunately not everyone has that logical attitude. Some decide to confront in the worst way those they don’t like and become their own worst enemies. If you are being harassed by your enemies, know that you will find the best solution in prayer.

Here are the best prayers for enemies to leave me alone.

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Prayer for enemies to leave me alone

We have to relate to people with whom we do not have a good relationship. This can happen in any environment: work, family, neighborhood, etc. This individual does not leave us alone and always finds a way to harm us. In this case, you can find the peace you need if you pray to God. The Bible says in Psalm 59: “…Oh my God! Deliver me from my enemies…”.. Repeat the following prayer so that your enemies will stop harassing you.

“Father, I feel destroyed because my enemies are after me to harm me. I cannot stand against this. I know that you will have mercy on me and will not allow my enemies to harass me anymore. I implore you that my enemies leave me alone. Thank you Lord for listening to me”.

Prayer for enemies to stop speaking ill of me

Sometimes we have enemies who behave hypocritically towards us. They treat us well but they are always talking bad about us. They dare to tell lies about us. These enemies are so dangerous that they create a false and negative image of our person. The Bible says, in the book of Matthew: “…Bless those who curse you…”. That means that you should wish well to those who speak ill of you. The following prayer will stop your enemies from speaking ill of you.

“Merciful God, my enemies are speaking ill of me creating a bad image of me. I beg you to stop this evil behavior so that everyone will know what I am really like. Thank you Father for listening to me”.

Prayer not to see my enemy any more

Sometimes we have enemies so harmful that the only solution is for them to disappear from our lives. You can pray to the Lord that the enemy will leave you forever. For example, your enemy could move to another state or change jobs. The Bible says, in the book of Samuel: “The Lord has delivered him out of the hand of his enemies”. The following prayer will make your enemies stay away from you forever.

“God, my enemies make my life an ordeal. The only solution is for them to disappear from my life. May your infinite power remove them from my life, for the greater good of all concerned. Thank you Father for listening to me”.

Prayer to discover my true enemies

In some circumstances of life we hve hidden enemies. They speak ill of us, wish us ill and harm us in a variety of ways. The point is that we do not know who these hidden enemies are. If you have this problem, you should know that God can reveal to you who your enemies are. The Bible says in Psalm 54: “…Their own tongues shall bring them down…”. That means that the Lord always makes the truth prevail. Pray the following prayer to keep hidden enemies out of your life.

“Almighty Father, there are enemies stalking me all the time and I don’t know who they are. They keep themselves hidden in wickedness. I ask You to reveal to me who they are. I beseech You to remove them from my life so that I may regain peace. Thank you my God for listening to me”.


Prayers for enemies to leave me alone are the most powerful tools you can use to ward off people who only intend to harm you. Pray these words every day, morning and night, until harmony returns to your life.

