Prayer For Peace At Workplace: Feel Good While Developing

4 min readApr 7, 2021


Work occupies most of our time and energy. For our work to be efficient and to be able to give the best of ourselves, it is necessary to perform in a healthy work environment.

Unfortunately it sometimes happens that in our workplace there are bad vibes, verbal aggression and lack of empathy, just to mention a few problems. This unhealthy environment causes us mental, emotional and even physical harm. Prayer can transform that negative situation, as it gives the individual the inner peace he/she needs. Here is a prayer for peace at workplace, which will give you back the joy of going to work.

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A peaceful workplace

The following prayer for peace at workplace invokes God to bless the place where we work: “Lord, I humbly ask that in the place where I work we may all perform with enthusiasm, joy and live peacefully with each other. Lord, lead our work towards success so that we can earn our livelihood for our benefit and the benefit of others. May your Grace permeate this place of work with peace.Thank you Lord for listening to me”. It is advisable to say this prayer every night before going to sleep. In a few days your workplace will be transformed into a calm space where everyone works in peace.

A workplace without negative energy

We all know that it is impossible to develop in peace if our workplace is dominated by negative energy, hostility and bad vibes. No one can give the best of himself if in a workplace there is psychological abuse in a definitely hostile environment. The power of prayer can solve this problem. Say this prayer mentally before going to work: “Lord, I ask you to illuminate this workplace with your infinite Grace to eliminate the hostility, bad vibes and negative energy that dwells here. May this workplace be permeated with your infinite love. Thank you Lord for listening to me”. Repeat this prayer every day and in a short time harmony will prevail in your workplace.

Prayer for all co-workers to get along with each other

For there to be peace in the workplace, it is important that all co-workers respect and get along with each other. Sometimes it does not happen because envy, jealousy and bad intentions prevail among co-workers. Prayer is a powerful tool to keep evil away from the workplace. Mentally repeat the following prayer: “I ask you to bless all those who envy me and have bad intentions towards me at my place of work. Transform their hearts so that they may behave nobly. Keep evil people away from my place of work. Allow all workers to develop harmoniously in our workplace. Thank you Lord for listening to me”. Thanks to this prayer you will see that hostile people change their behavior positively. You will also see that bad people will move away from your workplace. You and your co-workers will be able to function in peace.

Prayer for all to go well at workplace

Sometimes we work in an environment charged with negative energy, we feel insecure and stressed. This situation worsens when we have to face important days where we have to present a project, propose changes, talk to the Human Resources Manager, etc. Fortunately, prayer can help us to successfully face these circumstances so that everything develops in peace, regardless of the context. Repeat this prayer before facing an adverse situation in the workplace: “Merciful God I ask that your infinite love shine in my workplace for the greater benefit of those of us who work here. Destroy evil intentions so that your peace may reign. Thank you Lord for listening to me”. This prayer makes everything go well for the benefit of you and all your co-workers.


Prayer for peace at workplace is a truly effective resource for transforming an adverse situation. This happens because faith brings calmness and positive energy to each individual. That inner peace is then reflected in the outside world, which is why it is so important to pray every day. No matter what circumstances you are going through, the power of prayer always works. Just focus on what you want to accomplish and pray with confidence that you can change any situation for the better.



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