Prayer For Grieving Friend: When Faith Is Everything

4 min readMay 3, 2021


Death is part of life and has always been painful to accept. If we have a friend who is going through the loss of a loved one, we must accompany him/her in this difficult situation. The best way to help him/her is through prayer, since it is God who can give our friend the comfort he/she needs.

Prayer for grieving friend has the power to soothe the deep pain that a death causes. However, grief has different aspects, as each individual experiences it in his/her own way. Fortunately, prayer is a powerful tool to find comfort in any context that represents the loss of a loved one.

Submit your prayer to Churches, prayer groups and shrines all around the world with a prayer request.

Prayer for a friend suffering the death of a loved one

The best way to help a friend who has lost a loved one is through prayer. The following prayer for grieving friend will give him/her the inner peace he/she needs: “Lord today I ask for comfort for a friend who is grieving the loss of a loved one. Lord, ease the pain my friend is feeling and do not let sadness take over him. Lead him on the path of hope so that he may return to a healthy life according to your teachings. Thank you God for listening to me”. Repeat this prayer until your friend feels well again.

Prayer for a friend to harmoniously accept the death of a loved one

Those who suffer the death of a loved one go through a period of denial in which they do not accept the loss. The following prayer will help him/her to accept the loss peacefully: “Lord I ask for your help to guide my friend who does not accept the death of his/her loved one. Make him/her understand that his/her deceased relative is on the spiritual plane enjoying deep peace. That departed soul no longer suffers from the problems of the earthly world. Give my friend the wisdom he now needs. Thank you Lord for listening to me”. Repeat this prayer before visiting your friend.

Prayer for tragic cases

Death sometimes occurs on unexpected and tragic occasions: accident, suicide, murder, etc. If your friend is suffering because a loved one died tragically, only God’s mercy can help him. The following prayer may help him emotionally: “Lord, I ask you to help a friend who lost a loved one tragically. His pain is endless and he cannot find comfort. Please surround my friend with your infinite love so that he may find the comfort he needs. Thank you Father for your help.” Repeat this prayer as soon as you hear of the tragedy your friend suffered.

Prayer to regain the will to live after a grief

Your friend has lost a loved one and can’t find meaning in life. He/she no longer feels like going to work, studying or taking on projects. The following prayer is for your friend to regain the will to live: “God, I come to you because my friend has lost a loved one and no longer has the will to live. Lord, I ask you to remove the sadness that dwells in his heart. May he go back to work with enthusiasm, may he get back in touch with others and regain his normal life. Father, only you can make this happen. Thank you Lord for listening to me”. Repeat this prayer until your friend gets over depression.

Prayer to act wisely after a grief

Your friend is suffering because a loved one has died and is unable to reconnect with daily life issues. He/She is unable to make good decisions or get seriously involved in any aspect. Pray the following prayer for your friend to regain wisdom and discernment: “Lord, I pray for the welfare of a friend. He/She has lost a loved one and now he/she is unable to reconnect properly with daily life. Give him/her the wisdom he/she needs to make good decisions in any matter. Thank you Father for hearing me”. Repeat this prayer every time you notice that your friend is feeling unmotivated about life.


Prayer for grieving friend is the best resource for him/her to find the emotional balance he/she needs. God knows his/her soul perfectly, therefore He is the only one who can heal him/her

