Powerful Archangel Michael Prayers Before Bed

4 min readOct 22, 2020

These Archangel Michael prayers before bed ask the Angel of protection and justice to watch over you while you sleep.

Archangel Michael has a great power that God himself has given him, in fact the meaning of his name is that as God, this Archangel fills us with light, gives us protection against all evils, helps us in all the conflicts we have in life, fills us with peace and provides us with harmony, even makes us invisible to our enemies.

Michael is the Angel of Justice, the one who opens all doors for us, that’s why we offer you some ways to communicate with him through prayers.

Submit your prayer to Churches, prayer groups and shrines all around the world with a prayer request.

Archangel Michael prayers before bed

When you go to sleep try to put your mind in white and with deep faith you invoke the Archangel, close your eyes and imagine before you a brilliant blue light, that is the sign that you will be in contact with the Archangel Michael, concentrate and ask him, he will always listen to you while the communication is done with all the fervor of your heart.

Prayer to Archangel Michael to go to sleep

Beloved Archangel Michael

Prince of the heavenly army’s

protector against the forces of evil

I call upon you today, to hear my plea

my prayers and my requirements

You who fight the darkness with your light

Take care of me and protect me tonight

Radiate with your love and harmony

all the corners of my home

and protects my family, my children from all danger

I want to ask you to be present in my dreams

to help me sleep in peace

and to rest with relax my body and my soul

You have loved Archangel that tomorrow

all the doors are opened where you have to pass

and give me the strength of your armor and your sword

to successfully face the new day

I beg you Archangel Michael

that with your chains you prevent me from falling into vain temptations

in vices and bad joints

take away from me all the problems, conflicts and accidents

Protect me with your shield

of the enemies who try to do evil against me

cover me with your sacred mantle

so that the damage does not touch me

keep me always present as I do with you


Pray from the depths of your soul, because to pray it is not enough to say it, you must feel it from your soul.

Prayer to the Archangel Michael to go to bed

Archangel Michael protector of the underdog

today I beg you with my heart in my hand

that you take care of me tonight

tuck me in with your mantle

so that nothing bad happens to me

take care of my family

Great Prince of Heaven

I take refuge in your power

and I give my soul in your arms tonight

give me a good rest

free of bad dreams and thoughts

opens my roads and paths

for an awakening full of positive energies

to attract to me all the good I can

leave my side tonight

bad influences and desires for destruction

of those who wish me ill

Anoint me with your light and hear my plea

I am your unconditional servant Great Archangel

I trust you, and your company

I am grateful for your protection and company

Be my guide in my dreams on the path of God

Amen, Amen.

End of Day Prayer to Archangel Michael

Beloved Archangel Michael

Although I can’t see you

I know from my heart that you hear me

and I know about everything you do for me and my loved one’s

tonight I ask once again for your protection

Beloved Archangel with your power nothing will harm me

Make me see the things that happen to me to teach me

lead me on the path to God Almighty

Enlighten me and give me courage to pass the tests

that I have to face in the new day

I’m not proud, I’m envious and I’m not feeling bad

Pour out your blessings on me tonight

Take me always to the paths of good

and make worship and devotion to you grow every day


Prayers are effective when you believe with true faith in what you say and what you think, reciting a prayer from the heart, with an enlightened mind and seeing the one you are praying to, is a sublime act, thinking of the good, practicing philanthropy, helping the needy, are actions that enlarge the spirit of people.

These behaviors and attitudes increase the energetic vibrations of those who practice them, raising their spiritual level, and thus facilitating the connection with divine beings such as archangels, like Archangel Michael.

The idea of doing Archangel Michael prayers before bed, is an attitude that brings many benefits, we must not forget that this Archangel is the favorite of God, the powers and benevolences of an Angel like Michael, destroy any evil force that gets in our way.

To please Archangel Michael and make your prayers more efficient, it is good to know that this Archangel likes to be honored by nine salutations, these are the invocation of his intercession with the heavenly choirs, they consist of nine prayers, in which for each one you must pray Our Father, and they are closed with three Hail Mary’s.

Michael has promised that whoever prays to him with absolute devotion will receive an angel who will accompany him, and will have his assistance and company throughout his life.

