How To Remove Bad Luck By Prayer

4 min readApr 27, 2021


If you are living with bad luck, it may be difficult to imagine how you can make a change. But just like life itself, bad luck is in the eye of the beholder. Just because you are dealing with bad things happening at this time doesn’t mean that they will always happen, and it doesn’t mean that they should define who you are or become your new norm. Prayer can turn a bad situation into a good one, but it can also help you release the things that are holding you down so you can move forward in your life.

Know What You Want

A prayer is a powerful tool of communication that can change our lives for the better. It can remove bad luck by helping us know what we want from a spiritual perspective. If you are looking to relieve yourself of bad luck, you will need to know what you want. You want to make sure that you are clear on your goal so you can start working towards it.

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Focus On What You Want

In order to know how to remove bad luck by prayer, you need to focus on what it is that you want. If there is anything in the way of reaching your goal, then prayer can help remove those blocks. Just as in life, you will fail to reach your goal one or two times before finally getting it. Prayer is a way for you to keep yourself moving towards that goal, so even if you aren’t reaching it right away, it is still helping you on your way.

Prayer Is A Great Way To Release Bad Luck

One of the reasons prayer can be such a great tool to remove bad luck is because it helps us release our negative feelings and thoughts. Listing the things you don’t like about the old you will help release yourself from those feelings. Also, asking for God to remove these things will help you get rid of them more quickly. These are two ways prayer can help with your bad luck, and they are both powerful in their own way.

Reflect On Positive

In order to remove bad luck by prayer, you need to find some kind of reflection on the good things that are happening in your life. If you are having a hard time with bad luck, it may be a great idea to find something positive going on in your life so you can change your focus. You should also remind yourself of all that you are thankful for and how blessed you are every day. Keeping yourself focused on the blessings will help remove the bad luck that is still around.

God Wants You To Be Rich and Blessed

The biggest reasons bad luck happens is that we aren’t listening to what God wants for our lives. One of the reasons that prayer can be so powerful is that it helps us tune in to God’s voice. By praying and communicating with Him, you can know his will for your life. Once you know this, you can begin living out your dreams and come out of the darkness into fuller life.

Know Your God

It may seem strange that prayer could help a person remove bad luck, but it’s true. Knowing your God helps you to know what it is that you want. This helps to remove the bad luck in your life because you know what it is that you want. When you are alone, or things are going badly, you can turn to God and ask Him to help you or allow you to see the things that can make your life richer. He wants the best for us, so if we trust Him, we will be okay.

Ask For God’s Help

One of the most powerful things you can do when trying to remove bad luck is simply asking God for help. He knows what is going on in your life, and He wants to help you in any way that He can. God loves us deeply, more than we can imagine. The only way that bad luck will be released is if we ask for God’s help. It always works, and it helps you make the necessary changes to remove the bad luck.

