Holy Armor Of God Prayer

4 min readJun 24, 2021


This armor of god prayer asks the Lord God to protect and shield you (or someone else) in especially trying or dangerous times. The armor of god surrounds us, supports us and strengthens us.

Submit your prayer to Churches, prayer groups and shrines all around the world with a prayer request.

Dear heavenly father, we thank you for your love and mercy towards us and giving us the opportunity to come to you in prayer. We petition your throne of grace for your protection from all known and unknown plans of the devil. God, the enemy sends his agents to attack daily, and we want you to give us strength to remain vigilant daily.

God we ask that you send your angels to strengthen us and give us the courage to put on your whole armor. Lord we need your divine protection and strength as we go throughout our day to combat the enemy. You have said in your word that we must put on the whole armor of God so that we may be able to stand against the plans on the devil (Ephesians 6:11). Lord we believe, and we trust that you can protect us from the attacks of the devil in all forms.

God we ask that you grant us your helmet of salvation by helping us to believe that you can save use. Help us to hold on to your promises daily and give us a clear understanding of who you are. Lord we ask your protection of our minds so that we may remained focused on your promises and not our struggles. Lord help us to believe that through you we can overcome every obstacle and fight any battle.

God we ask that you give us the strength to put on your breastplate of righteousness. Lord we all have sinned and have put on other garments, but we ask that you grant us the righteousness of your son Jesus. We ask that you give us the strength to move forward boldly and never turn our backs on the enemy. God we believe and claim the confidence that you are ready to bestow upon us through your son Jesus.

God we ask that you grant us your belt of truth. Lord help us to draw near to you daily and know that we can seek your guidance in times of need. Help us to feel secure in your promises when faced with challenges. Help us not to be discouraged and -help us to keep our minds and hearts focused on you.

Lord help us to hold on to your shield of faith so that we may be able to deflect the darts of evil spiritual forces known and unknown. Shield us from bad thought, accidents, lies, and discouragement. Lord, help us to be ready for the schemes of the enemy and remain faithful as we deal with them.

God we ask that you grant us the sword of your word so that we may gain strength daily. Lord help us to read your word and reflect on your goodness. Lord give us the discernment and clarity needed to cope with struggles as we encounter them. Help us to arm ourselves with the truth and move forward refusing to compromise our beliefs and faith.

Help us Lord to walk in your peace, so that we may be ready always to protect and defend your word. Lord guide our feet in the way that they should go and help us to not be led astray. Lord many have strayed from you path, but we ask that you keep us on the narrow path so that we may be successful. Lord you have said in your word that the race is not given to the swift but to him that endures till the end (Ecclesiastes 9:11). Lord give us endurance as we walk in the path that you have set before us. Help us to reconcile ourselves to you daily and seek your guidance.

Lord, your you are all powerful and omnipresent and we believe that you can remove all delay and setbacks to putting on your armor. We ask that you remove any hesitancy, doubt, or fear in your ability to clothed us with your armor. God we ask that you send your angel for reinforcement to prevent the devils penetration of our armor. Lord we pray for the fortitude to maintain daily to be ready for battle. Lord help us to be obedient and maintain your standard always. Lastly, help us to apply and use your armor properly so that we can remain victorious.

