Helpful Bible Verses For A Broken Heart

4 min readJun 23, 2021


These Bible verses for a broken heart will help heal your broken heart and guide you onward through faith in the Lord.

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Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29:11 states “For I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper… plans to give you hope”. This verse is a reminder that even though we may not see the larger plan for our pain, God always has one. Your broken heart will mend stronger and lead you on your path. Clear your mind of pointless clutter and with each breath feel His plan.

Philippians 4:7

“Present your requests to God … And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds”. When our troubles and anxieties weigh on our hearts it is important to bring these questions/troubles to God through prayer. Through this connection you will receive peace of mind like no other, allowing your mind to calm and your heart to heal.

Matthew 11:28

Like Philippians, Matthew 11:28 ensures that through God “All who are weary and burdened..” will have rest. Lay your pain in God’s hands and trust His plan. When you feel the weight of heartbreak on your shoulders, give it to God. Allow yourself to feel your pain and remember that God is there is help you see the wisdom on the other side.

Psalm 46:1

Even when it feels like you are all alone in the world remember, God is always with you. Psalm 46:1 states that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble”, you are never alone. Through all of life’s trials and tribulations God is always with us. He is the scaffold that holds our heads high and strong. He helps us to live life in the light of what we could be.

Psalm 147:3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds”. It doesn’t matter who broke your heart or why it was broken, those reasons are not for us to know. Never forget that God will never desert you. He will always be with you to help heal your pain and help you to grow into the person He knows you to be. God does not judge the decisions you make but instead offers forgiveness and grace to those in need.

John 14:27

This verse is not only about God’s undying love for us but also about His peace. God says “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world gives”. This verse is a constant reminder that the peace we find in God is unconditional. Unlike the worldly ways we find peace (through medication or distraction), God’s peace is never ending.

Isaiah 43:18

Because the love we receive from God is unconditional Isaiah 43:18 advises us “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past”, for our past transgressions or poor decisions do not make us who we are. God sees our true intentions and will always forgive those who ask for His grace. Let go of any guilt you may feel, lay these feelings before Him and feel His grace wash over your heart.

Psalm 30:5

No matter the depth of our wounds “… Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” light. Regardless of the time it takes to heal your heart, the day will always come. As God’s “…Favor lasts a lifetime” so does his love and support for us. Trust His word and let Him into your hurting heart for He will help you heal.

Isaiah 41:10

This verse reminds us to never “… Yield to fear, for [He] is always near” to us. He will “… Infuse you with [His] strength and help you in every situation.” Holding room for God in our heart and mind allows His wisdom to help guide us. You are never in your fight alone for He is always walking beside you. He is always in your corner, fighting for you and your happiness.

Psalm 73:26

“God is close to you, He hears you, He has not forsaken you…”. No matter where you walk on this earth, God will not leave you. He hears your struggles and knows the true pain in your heart. Speak to Him and hear His wisdom, let His peace wash over you.

