Five Prayers For Your Brother

4 min readMay 25, 2021


A bond with a brother is a bond like no other. It is in times like these that we most need each other’s support and prayers for comfort. Praying for your brothers protection asks the Lord to watch over him.

Prayer For My Brother’s Health

Dearest God, our Father in Heaven,

Thank You for another day of life here in this beautiful world.

Thank You for the food that we eat, the home that keeps us safe, and the family that loves us unconditionally.

Thank You for all Your Wonderful Blessings.

Oh God, today I am praying for my brother’s health.

Keep him strong and healthy, and protect him for all kinds of sicknesses and ailments.

Cover him with Your Most Precious Blood and Water,

So that he may live a long, healthy, and happy life.

Thank You, Almighty Father, for always being there for us.

All of these, in the name of your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, Amen.

Submit your prayer to Churches, prayer groups and shrines all around the world with a prayer request.

Prayer For My Brother’s Studies

Almighty God, I love you and I glorify Your Name now and forever.

I believe in You and I trust in You completely.

Thank You for the Gifts of Wisdom, of Faith, and of Hope.

Thank You for Your Blessing of Education and Learning.

Almighty Father, I am here today, praying to You,

Humbly asking for Your Light to shine upon my brother,

So that he will cherish his education and studies,

And learn about the many great things in life.

Oh God, be His Teacher and Mentor, and guide him all throughout his academic journey,

So that he may become a person who has knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of life and of the world,

And that he may help others by sharing with them what he knows.

Thank You God for your everlasting love and patience.


Prayer For My Brother’s Happiness

Almighty Father in Heaven, the glory and honor are Yours forever.

All of these things are from You, as You are the Creator and the Savior.

Thank You Father God for everything — for all material things and for all intangible things.

Most of all, thank You for the Gift of Joy and happiness.

Today, I am praying to You Oh God,

So that You will bless my brother with joy and happiness.

I love my brother dearly and I desire for him to be happy and joyful in his life.

Almighty Father, open his heart to see the real meaning of life,

Let Your Light shine upon him and bless him with patience and kindness.

Have mercy on him and forgive all his sins and shortcomings.

And let joy and happiness be present in all the days of his life.


Prayer For My Brother’s Career

Dearest Father in Heaven, I am forever grateful to You.

I am filled with the deepest gratitude because of Your Unwavering Love and Mercy.

Thank You for all Your blessings and grace, even if I am not worthy.

Thank You for everything, even if I am nothing without You.

Dearest Father, I am here, humbly praying to You,

Asking You to bless my brother, particularly in his career path.

Guide him in choosing the right career for himself,

The one that will help him give glory and honor to You,

The one that will give him the utmost joy and contentment,

The one that will allow him to make a good difference in the lives of other people.

Help him decipher the deepest passion in his heart,

So that he may determine the career path that he should rightfully take.

This I ask through the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer For My Brother’s Marriage

Our Father in Heaven, thank You for this life.

Thank You for all Your Blessings and Your Mercy.

I humbly ask You Father for Your Forgiveness of my sins and of the sins of my brothers and sisters.

Most of all, Almighty Father, thank You for the most precious gift of Love.

Love is the greatest gift of all, and You are Love.

Almighty God, today I am praying for my brother, especially his marriage.

I am lifting up to You, his special relationship with his wife.

I pray that You will continue to bless their marriage by being the center of their love.

Shine Your Light upon their love and be their Rock through problems and challenges.

Thank You Almighty Father for never failing us,

And for always hearing our prayers.


