Bible Verses For Overwhelming Times

4 min readJun 23, 2021


In today’s world, many people feel overwhelmed by what is happening around them. Climate change, political unrest, pandemics and the like are ruining economies, causing all kinds of natural disasters, and threatening life on the planet.. The good thing about todays challenges is that there are bible verses for overwhelming times such as these that were written to help us cope.

First and foremost one of the bible verses for overwhelming times goes something like this: Yes, we will encounter much trouble in the world but remember, the Lord has overcome the world. Because overwhelming times are expected we are not to worry or be anxious about anything. When things get overwhelming we are to remember that the earth and everything in it is the property of God. If climate change is occurring in our world today, it might be because we have not been good stewards of the Earth. We may have destroyed some of our planet but steps can be taken to end further damage.

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Dealing with persecution is also a subject that contains bible verses for overwhelming times. Most persecuted people find the lack of freedom and the constant threat of imprisonment or even death to be the most overwhelming feeling of all. The apostle Paul was incarcerated several times and severely beaten several times as well. He ended up writing one of the most positive epistles in the bible, the book of Philippians, while imprisoned in jail. While a positive demeanor helps in most situations, the fact that Paul was able to rejoice despite the overwhelming times he was experiencing was very powerful.

Other bible verses for overwhelming times stress the importance of hope when things fall apart. Hope is believing in the goodness of God in an overwhelming and negative situation. The lessons learned from hoping for a good outcome to a bad situation is the basis by which the we are to live our lives. When things get bad we are to hope and to always pray. To hope means you never give up or give in.

Some other bible verses for overwhelming times are that the world in which we live is temporary. Because the earth will someday pass away, we are to remember that heaven is our permanent home. Our lives spent here are but momentary flips on the radar as compared to the time spent with God in heaven.. Since life here is temporary, we cannot worry excessively about what is happening around us.

The topic of the love of God is another series of bible verses for overwhelming times. To state that a loving God is not interested in what we experience in trying times is a misconception. The truth is God is very aware of all human beings and their feelings in overwhelming times such as the pandemic. Other bible verses for overwhelming times are that God sees and hears the cries of his creation and responds accordingly. There are countless stories in the bible where God has heard the cries of people and intervened to free them from their sufferings. The fact remains that God loves all that he has created and is attentive to every aspect of it.

Other bible verses for overwhelming times point to the fact that Gods ways are not our ways and the way he handles situations may indicate that his thoughts are beyond our realm of understanding. Since God is all knowing and all powerful, some bible verses for overwhelming times may lead us to consider that since he is God and we are his creation we should put our trust in him. His ways and thoughts may confuse and confound us but ultimately it is the fact that he loves us that motivates us to put our trust in him.

In the book of Job, there are various bible verses for overwhelming times. Job experiences overwhelming loss (not to mention physical suffering) and he and his friends try and make sense of what is happening to him. God ends their discussion, by explaining that he is ultimately in control, thus restoring to Job all that he has lost. The utmost in fathers, God lets Job experience great suffering before alleviating his pain once and for all.

