Bible Verses For Nurses

4 min readJun 9, 2021

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven,” — Matthew 5:16

A God-fearing nurse is a light to someone who may be in a place of darkness. A nurse’s duties go far beyond all things medical. Nurses are called to love, comfort, and cherish his/her patients. Patients and co-workers alike may see your good deeds and glorify God. There is no greater honor in this world than to be a light for Christ! It may be difficult at times, but hospitality and love are rewarded by God. You glorify Him through your career!

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“Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” — Proverbs 31:31

There are plenty of male nurses whom God honors, however, the majority are female. This verse can encourage male nurses as well! Hard work and good deeds are never unseen by God. In fact, they don’t have to be seen by anyone else but God for them to matter. His/her hands have gotten messy, wiped sweat and tears, healed the sick, and are clasped together daily in prayer. The nurse’s hands never stop — not even when they come home to their families. After a long day of tending to strangers, they come home to tend to their spouse and children. If you are a nurse, let your works be praised!

“…And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” — Esther 4:14

Queen Esther was appointed at the right time and the right place for her purpose. She saved her people from destruction because of her bravery and love for them. This verse is letting you know that God has appointed you as a nurse at the right time and place as well. There may be a patient whose life only you could make a difference in. You could be used by God to change situations that would not be changed in any other way. God sees potential in you and has prepared you for this career! His timing is absolutely perfect.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” — Proverbs 17:22

As a nurse, you know more about modern medicine than the average person. However, there’s one type of medicine than can heal the spirit. That is, a cheerful heart. Having a cheerful heart does not mean things don’t get difficult or you don’t have bad days. It means you trust God in all situations you may face as a nurse. You have hope and are able to look up when everyone else is looking down! Maybe you had to deliver bad news to a beloved patient, co-workers or other patients are draining your spirit, or you are having to work overtime and holidays. God is with you and He is with your patients. A cheerful heart sees the light of Jesus amidst all the darkness.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” — Galatians 6:9

Nursing is an extremely tiring job. The strongest of God’s children are called to be nurses. Not all patients are appreciative of your efforts and not all your co-workers are encouraging. This can add to the weight of being a nurse even more so than the job itself. However, you are still called to do good even when you no longer feel like it. God says that you will reap a harvest if you continue to love and work for the good of your fellow man. If you sow kindness and mercy, you will receive joy. Eternal life is waiting for us, therefore, we should not give up so easily in this life.

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” — 1 Peter 3:8

These are all the traits of an amazing Christian nurse. The heart to mourn and rejoice with your patients, to love them all unconditionally, to fight for them, to practice humility, and to pray for them. God has placed certain people in your care for a good reason. A nurse loves their patients, lifts up their fellow nurses, and treats everyone with a Godly kindness. God honors all His nurses and He will work miracles through you!

